How I started my Studio with just $200

I spent about 3 years with the franchised ballroom studio, going from a student to a teacher. Making the transition pulled back the curtain and allowed me to see the ballroom dance world with a new mindset.

During a meeting, on a bright sunny day, the owner, wanted to chat with instructors about where we see our career heading. He laid out a few options, and a studio owner was one of them. I knew right then, that is what I was destined to be.

Guided with my business degree, and a hopeful heart, I began to slowly make plans after walking around downtown Carrollton, Ohio. There were a few spaces for rent at this time, but the oil and gas industry started to boom and any space that was available for rent, was snatched up pretty quickly.

Trying to find a space that was big enough but within my meager budget was next to impossible.

One day, as my husband and I were out walking, I noticed the door to the dance studio that offered classes for little was open. They were working on refreshing the studio space. So I just walked in and introduced myself.

After a few moments of chatting, I simply asked if I could rent her studio for one day a week to offer ballroom dance lessons. She was intrigued and immediately said yes. Bouncing out of the studio to tell my husband the great news, that I get to start teaching in our little town, It dawned on me that I needed to start getting the word out.

Over the next few days, I developed old-school flyers and hung them everyone around town. I am talking about windows, bulletin boards, and asking other businesses to hang flyers.

I also did interviews for the local newspapers and hosted an open house with free group classes.

When the day came, I had more couples come than I ever even imagined. From there, I was able to start accepting private lesson appointments.

and just like that, DanceAbel Ballroom Studio was born.


The cost of underestimating myself.

